Time Series Econometrics
Economics 513
Fall 2005
Taught by: Chris Sims
Contact information
New information is in red.
Course Syllabus and Reading List
Link to
materials from last previous version of the course.
The course meets 9-10:30AM Monday and Wednesday
in Fisher B-06.
Exercises, links to additional notes,
announcements about the course, etc. will appear here.
- Lecture 1, definitions
- Lectures2-3, Conditional expectation, stochastic processes, filtrations, MA processes
- Exercise due Monday, 10/3
- Data in R binary format, as R ts object: ffr.Rdata
- Data as a raw list of ascii numbers: FEDFUNDSbare.txt
- Programming hints for the exercise
- Exercise Answers
- Lecture 8: filters, seasonality, linear regularity
- Exercise Due Monday, 10/24
- CPI, not SA, text file
- CPI, SA, text file
- CPI, SA and NSA, in an R ts object (use load(file="cpi.Rdata"))
- R Program to help with spectral density and cross-spectral density estimation
- R program to interpolate complex series (in case you want to put FT's with different lengths on the same plot, which is not essential for the exercise
- Answers to spectral exercise
- Lecture 11: AR, MA, ARMA models; the Kalman filter
- Answers for the practice exercises
- Midterm Exam (without answers)
- Midterm exam with answers
- The midterm without answers is just for those who didn't take the midterm and want to test themselves. The full
text of the midterm is in the midterm-with-answers document.
- Notes on Granger Causal Priority and Exogeneity
- Notes on System Likelihood
- Notes on Cointegration
- Nonstructural VAR Exercise, due Wednesday, 12/7
- data as text file
- data as R ts object
- R and Matlab VAR programs
- Answers for exercise
- SVAR notes
- SVAR and Hidden Chain exercise,
- Due Saturday 1/14 for grading by Tuesday 1/17, 1/17 for grading by the morning of 1/19. The exercise is required, but because it
is coming out late, the penalty for not handing it in will be small. Instead of the usual scale of
0 for not handing in a credible try, 4-6 for OK- to OK+, the grade for not handing it in will be 3. There is
no computer programming involved, and the exercise should help with exam preparation.
- The exercise link now delivers the exercise along with the answers.
- Updated Hidden Markov Chain Notes
- These notes are almost identical to those you may already have downloaded from the 2000 course web site. The only
change is a possibly clarifying intermediate equality in equation (8).
- Final exam with answers
- CDF of total scores and letter grades for the course
- Notes on dummy observation priors for VAR's
- Though these notes set an exercise "due 12/17" at the end, neither the notes nor the exercise were actually
posted during the course. The notes cover material that was covered in lectures.