Econometrics I, part I
Economics 517
Fall 2002
New information is in red.
Course Syllabus and Reading List
The course meets 10:40AM-12:10 Tuesday and Thursday
in Fisher B-06.
Link to last year's course materials
Exercises, links to additional notes,
announcements about the course, etc. will appear here.
- CDF of total point scores
- Answer for problem 1 on the final exam
- Answers for midterm
- CDF of midterm grades
- Lecture 10: Estimation and testing
- Exercise due Wednesday, 10/23
- Answers to exercise
- Exercise due Wednesday, 10/16 in precept
- Lecture 9: Inference in the SNLM
- Exercise due Wednesday, 10/9 in precept
- Data files for exercise. (If you're using matlab, it's all in bkcor.mat.)
- Answers to problem set 3
Lecture 7: Principal Components, the Multivariate Normal, Convergence in Distribution, CLT
- Lecture 6: Gamma, Beta, Normal
Exercise due in precept Wednesday 10/2
- Answers to problem set
Answer to First Exercise
Exercise due Tuesday 9/24
Lecture 1: Probability from decision theory