Econ. 511b |
Spring 1997 |
C. Sims |
Note that this is material from a
previous year's course, not the current one.
Note that Mid-Term Exams are graded and available in Room
6, 37 Hillhouse. Maximum score was 50, median
28. Scores 40 and above are good, below 30 problematic, and below 20 very
worrisome. There should be a plotted cdf for the grades posted on the door
to room 5 at 37 HH.
Answers to Final Exam
Final Exam
Answer to One Last Exercise
(MS Word Version)
One last Exercise. (MS
Word Version.) .
Dynamic Programming Exercise
Answers. (MS Word Version) (The MS Word file
is zipped. If you need the MS Word version and have difficulty with zipped
files, let me know by email.) Answer is now complete.
(4/22, 5PM)
Two-thirds term exam answers
(MS Word Version)
Programming Notes (These are in two pieces, dynprog and dynprog2.
The link takes you to the course directory, where you pick out the files
for yourself.)
Corrected Permanent Income Exercise
(4/9/97 2PM) The corrections replace the exponential discounting terms
with discrete ones and fix the equation of evolution for Y in problem 2
so that Y is lagged on the right-hand side.
(.pdf version)
Change in Sticky Price Exercise: The 4th problem has no
solution as stated. It should be modified to drop the L=1 assumption
and add a term proportional to log (1-L) to the individual's single-period
utility function. This makes labor supply elastic.
to Sticky Price Exercise Complete answer, 3/30 1:45PM MS
Word Version
Note that some errors on the answer to 4 in the 3/27
version have been fixed in this version.
Third Exercise due Wednesday,
3/5/97 (MS Word Version)
First Exercise due
Wednesday, 1/29/97 (MS
Word Version)
Second Exercise due Wednesday,
2/13/97 (MS Word Version)
Notes on Price Level Determination
and Answers to Second Exercise(MS Word Version)
Comments and hints on the first exercise.
a) As noted in class, because the initial B is
zero, you can't loglinearize the third problem's model. Linearize in levels
b) In problems 1 and 3, there is not a unique steady state.
If you set derivatives to zero, you end up with a singular equation system.
There are multiple steady states, in fact infinitely many, indexed by the
initial level of wealth (W in problem 1, B in problem 3).
Linearization is justified in such a framework only by the assumption that
the path is only slightly perturbed from some steady state. Thus it is
justifiable to fix W and B at their initial values, then
solve the singular system defining a steady state for the other variables.
This gives you a complete set of steady state values to use in forming
the linearization.
c) In problem 2, it is not made explicit that you should
use the same value of gamma as was specified in problem 1.
Note: Copies are socially costly, whether they are
paid for or not and whether they are done on a laser printer or on a copying
machine. Please do not download and print out on Statlab computers long
(over, say, 3 pages) documents. They have not yet started tracking
and charging for printer usage. If people use their printers regularly
for printing out long documents, they will no doubt start to charge or,
worse for us, prevent transparent access to their printers. For the time
being, it seems to be OK for registered economics students to print out
course materials on public economics department computers. And it
is certainly OK to print out on your own printer, if you have one, any
of the course materials written by me and linked to this page.
Course Outline and Reading List
Though this version of the reading list is much more complete
than is predecessor, it is still not in final form. You will see that some
references are still incomplete, and more may be added. You will not be
expected to have mastered every article on this list for the exam, but
in some cases the readings do contain material, beyond what was covered
in lectures, for which you are responsible. I'll give you guidance on which
readings are in this category before the mid-term. MS-Word
version of reading list.
NTBHO=Notes to be handed out.
Readings: NTBHO
*Stokey, Nancy and R.E. Lucas, Recursive Methods in Economic
Dynamics, Harvard University Press, 1990, Chapter 9.
Sargent, Thomas J. Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory, Harvard
University Press 1987, Chapter 1.
Gregory Chow, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Economic
Systems, Wiley 1975, section on this topic.
(Chow has a new book that may replace the reference above.)
Hansen and Sargent, "Linear Rational Expectations Models
for Interrelated Variables" in Rational Expectations and Econometric
Practice, Robert E. Lucas and Thomas J. Sargent, editors, University
of Minnesota Press 1981 (and also available as a journal article.)
Blanchard, Olivier and Charles M. Kahn, "The Solution of
Linear Difference Models under Rational Expectations," Econometrica
48, 1305-1313; NTBHO;
Solving Linear Rational
Expectations Models
Dynamic Competitive Equilibrium. Consumption and Investment
with Time-Varying Interest Rates.
Readings: NTBHO
(Much of the reading in the section "Dynamic Stochastic
General Equilibrium" below is also relevant, but it is all based on discrete
time, stochastic models, whereas our initial approach in class has used
continuous time, non-stochastic models.)
Price Determination
Readings: NTBHO
Aiyagari, Rao and Mark Gertler, "The Backing of Government
Bonds and Monetarism", Journal of Monetary Economics, v. 16, 1985.
Blanchard and Fischer, Chapter 5.
Leeper, E.M. [1991]. "Equilibria under `Active' and `Passive'
Monetary and Fiscal Policies," Journal of Monetary Economics 27,
Lucas, R.E. and Nancy Stokey, "Money and Interest in a Cash-in-Advance
Economy," Econometrica May 1987.
Sargent, T.J. and N. Wallace, "Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic,"
Federal Reserve Bank Quarterly Review, Fall 1981.
Sims, C.A., "A Simple Model for the Study of the Determination
of the Price Level and the Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policy",
Theory, 1994.
Woodford, Michael, "Monetary Policy and Price Level Indeterminacy
in a Cash-in-Advance Economy," Economic Theory, 1994.
Woodford, Michael, "Control of the Public Debt: A Requirement
for Price Stability?" Unpublished, 1996.
Bergin, Paul, "Fiscal Restrictions in a Currency Union: Further
Lessons on the Interactions of Monetary and Fiscal Policy", unpublished,
Equilibrium with Non-Neutralities
Blanchard and Fischer, Chapters 8 and 9.
Barriers to Information Flow: Natural Rate Models
Lucas, Robert E., Jr. "Some International Evidence on Output--Inflation
Tradeoffs," in his book Studies in Business Cycle Theory, MIT Press 1981,
or American Economic Review 63 (June 1973), 326-334.
Lucas, Robert E., Jr. "Expectations and the Neutrality of
Money," Journal of Economic Theory 4 (April 1972) 103-124.
Wages and Price Stickiness
Overlapping Contracts
Menu Costs with Monopolistic Competition
Blanchard and Fischer, Chapter 8.
Caplin, Andrew S. and Daniel F. Spulber, "Menu Costs and
the Neutra-lity of Money," Quarterly Journal of Economics 102 (November
1987), 703-725. Reprinted in Mankiw and Romer, New Keynesian Economics,
volume 1.
Rotemberg (82 RES? 83 AER? 87NBER?)
Pissarides, C. [1985], "Short Run Equilibrium Dynamics of
Unemployment, Vacancies and Real Wages," AER 75, 676-690.
Efficiency Wages
Credit Channel Models
Life Cycle Consumption
Readings: Hall, R. E., "Stochastic Implications of the Life
Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence," Journal of
Political Economy, December 1978.
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium
Complete markets vs. bond-only equilibrium. Co-ordinating
a firm with a representative agent; two representative agents. What is
lost in linearization.
Readings: Campbell, John Y., "Inspecting the Mechanism: An
Analytical Approach to the Stochastic Growth Model", NBER discussion paper
No. 4188, 1992.
Kydland, F. and E. Prescott, "Time to Build and Aggregate
Fluctuations," Econometrica, November 1982.