Applied Econometrics
Economics 515
Spring 2012
Taught by: Chris Sims
Contact information
New information is in red.
Course Syllabus and Reading List
The course meets 9-10:30 Monday and Wednesday, Fisher B04.
Exercises, links to additional notes,
announcements about the course, etc. will appear here.
- Take-home exam, due Friday, 3/23 at 5PM, via email. Exam, data, and some possibly useful code are here.
- Exercise due Friday, 3/16 (for grading before takehome)
- R files that could be useful. Note that numHess.R can be very inaccurate, and sensitive to the numgrad.R internal delta parameter.
- Notes on hidden Markov chains
- Notes on the Schwarz criterion
- Exercise due Wednesday, 2/29 )
- The directory for the exercise has data, the original article, and R programs that carry out t-error MCMC and analytically evaluate Bayes factors for
standard normal linearmodels with conjugate priors.
- Notes on MCMC
- Notes on MCMC model comparison
- Exercise due Wednesday, 2/15
- Real GDP data
- Slides from which 2/6 lecture was drawn
- Paper discussing some of the same issues, some at more length.
Both the slides and the paper take up issues that go beyond what we will probably discuss in class, and you are not responsible for that material.