Chris Sims | Giorgio Primiceri |
Due Tuesday, 4/16, but you should start working on the first part so you can take up questions about it in precept Tuesday 4/9. Further explanations and programs (for which there are links in the main exercise file) are in
This exercise just applies the definitions from the first lecture. It should take little time. It is due Thursday, April 4 in Giorgio Primiceri's mailbox.
These classroom notes overlap with the Random Lagrange Multiplier notes below. They have more discussion of the LQ permanent income example, but omit proofs.
These notes correct some typos in the slides that were displayed in class.
The material on general linear RE models is covered in more detail in Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models. You are responsible for understanding this paper up through section 3.1, which corresponds to what we went through, in less detail, in lecture.
A close relative of the model discussed in these notes is discussed in Fiscal Consequences for Mexico of Adopting the Dollar, and you are responsible for understanding that model.
The material in the latter part of the lecture is closely paralleled in the notes Linearized stochastic models.