Time Series Econometrics
Economics 513
Fall 2000
Taught by: Chris Sims Preceptor:  Aprajit Mahajan
Contact information
Contact information

New information is in red.  Last update 1/31/01 10:30PM

Course Syllabus and Reading List (pdf) (dvi);

These two files contain links to some of the listed readings. The dvi links may not work in all dvi viewers, and the pdf links are still not working correctly in some cases.

Link to materials from last year's version of the course.

The course meets 9-10:30AM Tuesday and Thursday in Fisher B-04

Exercises, links to additional notes, announcements about the course, etc. will appear here.

Take-Home Final (76k pdf) (12k dvi)
exam with answers
(107k pdf) (45k dvi)

IV estimation notes: (123k pdf) (16k zipped dvi)
517 take-home question with answer: (170k MS Word file)
Hidden Markov Chain notes and exercise, due Monday, January 15 (or earlier for pre-exam grading) (pdf) (dvi)
data (matlab format):
directory of m files:

DSGE to SVAR exercise due 11/30 (pdf) (dvi)
Answer to question 2
(94k pdf) ((11k dvi)

Bayesian VAR exercise due Tuesday 11/28(pdf) (dvi)
estimation program:
forecasting program:

11/9 lecture notes (pdf) (zipped dvi)
Mid-Term Exam, with answers (pdf)
Answers to Mid-Term Review Problems (pdf) (dvi)
Mid-Term Review Problems (pdf) (dvi)
10/26 Notes (pdf) {dvi}
10/25 Notes (pdf) (zipped dvi)
517 exercise, due 11/7(pdf) (dvi) Lecture notes for 517 10/17 and 10/19 (pdf) (zipped dvi)
10/10 notes, "VAR properties from the Jordan Decomposition (pdf) (dvi)
Exercise due 10/12 (pdf) (dvi) 10/5 notes, "Jeffreys Priors and Bayesian Regresssion Mechanics" (pdf) (zipped dvi)
9/28 notes, "Choosing Priors" (pdf) (dvi)
9/26 notes, "Methodology Wars" (pdf) (dvi)
Exercise due 9/28/00 (pdf) (dvi)
9/19 lecture(pdf) (zipped dvi)
September 14 lecture(pdf)(zipped dvi)
Map showing location of Novelty, Ohio
Note on pdf, ps and dvi files:  pdf files with mathematics using large brackets, sum signs, etc. often do not print properly on HP printers, even though they show up fine on the screen.  You may find drawing in or mentally supplying the missing lower halves of parentheses, etc. tolerable.  If not, you can print the postscript or dvi files, which do not have this particular problem.  The postscript files require a postscript printer or use of an interpreter, like gsview.  The dvi files require a TeX dvi viewer, like the YAP viewer that comes with the freeware miktex TeX compiler or the viewer you get with Scientific Word.  To see graphics in the dvi files you need the corresponding .eps files.  So when posted here, dvi files that need graphics will be in a single zip file with the graphics.