Macroeconomic Theory
In most cases the readings cited do not cover everything that will be done
in lecture and that you will be responsible for, and in some cases they
go beyond what you will be responsible for. The relation of the readings
to the lectures and what you are expected to get from the readings will
be discussed in lecture. "NTBHO" stands for "notes to be handed out". "LS"
stands for the Ljungquist-Sargent
manuscript, which is available in postscript format at Thomas
J. Sargent's web site.
There is a course
web site, which will contain the most recent version of this reading
list, notes, problem sets, answers, etc.
Preliminaries (to be covered mostly in TA sections)
Review of continuous time calculus of variations, or Hamiltonian
approach (whichever is more familiar)
Conditional expectations, iterated expectations
Linear stochastic difference and differential equations(TA
Gregory Chow, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Economic Systems,
Wiley 1975, Chapters 2-4. This topic is standard and is treated well in
other textbooks also.
conditions for stability
ACF, MA and AR representations, impulse responses. Spectral
Ito's Lemma
Readings: There are many good references on continuous time stochastic
processes that treat this topic, at various levels of mathematical rigor.
One, that goes into considerably more mathematical detail than we will
but is aimed at economics graduate students, is
A.G. Malliaris and W.A. Brock, Stochastic Methods in Economics and
Finance, North-Holland 1982, p. 1-96.
If you have graduate-level training in mathematics and want to check
loose assertions made in lectures, you might consult
J. Jacod, Calcul Stochastique et Problemes de Martingales, Springer-Verlag
1979, or
I. Karatzas and S. Shreve, Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus,
2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag 1991.
Extending the Hamiltonian approach: Obtaining FOC's with
stochastic Lagrange multipliers (CS, 2 lectures)
Readings: Notes to be handed out (NTBHO)
Discrete Time
Continuous Time
Permanent income model
Hall, R. E., "Stochastic Implications of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income
Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence," Journal of Political Economy,
December 1978.
LQ case
Critique of LQ modeling: we do not take this model's steady state seriously
stochastic r case: linearization
The stochastic growth model
Readings: NTBHO,
Asset Pricing
Readings: NTBHO
Solving linear equation systems involving expectations (CS,
3 lectures)
Sims, Solving Linear
Rational Expectations Models
Permanent income model
LQ case
stochastic r case: linearization
The stochastic growth model
Campbell, John Y., "Inspecting the Mechanism: An Analytical Approach
to the Stochastic Growth Model", NBER discussion paper No. 4188, 1992.
Kydland, F. and E. Prescott, "Time to Build and Aggregate Fluctuations,"
November 1982.
When does it imply the (Robert) Hall "random walk" model
is a good approximation?
Dynamic programming (GH, 3 lectures)
Readings: LS chapters 1-2.
solving by hand
guess and verify
value function iteration
policy function iteration
solving on the computer
discretizing the state space
Markov chains
putting this on Matlab
Search (Sargent DMT -- chapter 2) (GH, 3 lectures)
Lucas, Robert E., Models of Business Cycles, BasilBlackwell,
1987, Chapter V.
Sargent, Thomas J., Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory, HarvardUniversity
Press, 1987, Chapter 2.
Stigler -- nonsequential search
Stigler, George J., "The economics of information,"' Journal of
Political Economy, Vol 69 (June 1961) pp. 213-25.
McCall -- sequential search
McCall, J.J., "Economics of information and job search," Quarterly
Journal of Economics, Vol 84 (February 1970) pp. 113-26.
Jovanovic, Boyan, "Job matching and the theory of turnover," Journal
of Political Economy, Vol 87 (December 1979) pp. 972-90.
get on the computer
Risk sharing and accumulation via asset markets (CS, 3 lectures)
Two-agent/country model
Stockman, Alan C. and Linda L. Tesar [1995]. "Tastes and technology
in a two-country model pf the business cycle: Explaining international
comovements", American Economic Review 85 (March), 168-85.
Feldstein, Martin and Charles Horioka [1980]. "Domestic savings
and international capital flows",Economic Journal 90 (June), 314-29.
Cole, Harold L. and Maurice Obstfeld [1991]. "Commodity trade
and international risk sharing: How much do financial markets matter?",
Journal of Monetary Economics 28 (Aulgust), 3-24.
Bonds only
Complete Markets
Bonds and "market-completing" equity
approximate completeness
Firm/consumer decentralization of the growth model
Readings: NTBHO
local completeness with bonds only
Models with imperfect insurance and heterogeneous agents
(GH, 5 lectures)
LS, chapter 4.
Simple Townsend turnpike type model (money)
Townsend, Robert ``Money in models with spatially seperated agents''
in John Kareken and Neil Wallace (eds.) Models of Monetary Economies,
Federal Reserve bank of Minneapolis, 1980, pp. 265-303.
A savings problem with and without a non-negativity constraint
Unemployment insurance
Hansen, Gary and Ayse Imrohoroglu ``The role of unemployment insurance
in an economy with liquidity constraints and moral hazard'' Journal
of Political Economy, Vol 100 (1992) pp. 118-142.
Money again
Imrohoroglu, Ayse ``The welfare cost of inflation under imperfect insurance.''
of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol 16 (January 1992), pp. 79-92.
Mortensen-Pissarides matching model
Mortensen, Dale and Christopher Pissarides ``Job creation and job destruction
in the thoery of unemployment, Review of Economic Statistics, 1994.
Get on the computer -- define and solve for an equilibrium
Models with price levels
Fiscal Theory of the Price Level (CS, 3 lectures)
Sims, "A Simple Model
for Study of the Determination of the Price Level and the Interaction of
Monetary and Fiscal Policy," Economic Theory 4, 1994, 381-399.
Woodford, M., "Doing
Without Money: Controlling Inflation in a Post-Monetary World", Princeton
Discussion Paper, 8/97.
Leeper, Eric M., "Equilibria Under 'Active' and 'Passive' Monetary
And Fiscal Policies," Journal of Monetary Economics 27, February
1991, 129-47.Sims, "Fiscal
Foundations of Price Stability in Open Economies".
Model with no money
With money
Exchange rates, currency union
Stickiness (CS, 3 lectures)
Readings: (citations to be completed)
Sims, "Stickiness".
Note that the version of this paper accessible on the web as this first
version of the syllabus is posted is very different from a revision that
will be available before we reach this topic in lectures.
Blanchard and Fischer, Chapter 8.
Blanchard, Olivier and Nobuhiru Kiyotaki [1987]. "Monopolistic
competition and the effects of aggregate demand", American Economic
Review 77 (September), 647-66.
Caplin, Andrew S. and Daniel F. Spulber, "Menu Costs and the Neutrality
of Money," Quarterly Journal of Economics 102 (November 1987), 703-725.
Reprinted in Mankiw and Romer, New Keynesian Economics, volume 1.
Rotemberg, Julio J. [1982]. "Monopolistic Price Adjustment and
Aggregate Output", Review of Economic Studies 49(4)(October), 517-31.
Rotemberg, Julio J. [1996]. "Prices, Output, and Hours: An Empirical
Analysis Based on a Sticky Price Model", Journal of Monetary Economics
37(3) (June), 505-33.
Monopolistic Competition
with contracting delay
with menu costs
with search
Policy games (GH, 3 lectures)
Readings: To be announced