Macroeconomic Theory, Economics 504b, spring 2020
.  New items in red.
Contact Information
Course Materials
- Lecture 1 slides, Looking forward and back.
- Lecture 2 slides, Perils of Taylor rules
- Lecture 3 slides, adding M and long debt
- Notes on continuous time optimization FOC's: Hamiltoniann vs. Lagrangian
- Lecture 4 slides, Central bank balance sheets and independence
- Exercise on FTPL, due Thursday, April 9.
- Lecture 5 slides, Solving linear continous time rational expectations models
- Notes and comments about lectures and problem set, April 7
- Lecture 6: FTPL in New Keynesian models
- Lecture 7: NKFTPL part 2
- Lecture 8: Optimal fiscal policy, with and without contingent debt
- NK DGE model exercise, due Monday, April 27, 11AM (before precept).
- Lecture 9: Crowding out and burden shifting in an OG model
- Lecture 10: Capital taxation
- Capital tax exercise, due Tuesday 5/5/
- Exam, due at 10PM May 15, submitted by email with "504 exam" in the subject line.
- Exam with answers.
- CDF of point scores on the part II final