Macroeconomic Theory, Economics 504b, spring 2020

.  New items in red.

Contact Information

Chris Sims


Course Materials

Lecture 1 slides, Looking forward and back.
Lecture 2 slides, Perils of Taylor rules
Lecture 3 slides, adding M and long debt
Notes on continuous time optimization FOC's: Hamiltoniann vs. Lagrangian
Lecture 4 slides, Central bank balance sheets and independence
Exercise on FTPL, due Thursday, April 9.
Lecture 5 slides, Solving linear continous time rational expectations models
Notes and comments about lectures and problem set, April 7
Lecture 6: FTPL in New Keynesian models
Lecture 7: NKFTPL part 2
Lecture 8: Optimal fiscal policy, with and without contingent debt
NK DGE model exercise, due Monday, April 27, 11AM (before precept).
Lecture 9: Crowding out and burden shifting in an OG model
Lecture 10: Capital taxation
Capital tax exercise, due Tuesday 5/5/
Exam, due at 10PM May 15, submitted by email with "504 exam" in the subject line.
Exam with answers.
CDF of point scores on the part II final

Link to last previous version of course